This is Daughter-two, water winged and stuffed into an inflatable ring, powering her way up and down the community pool in my parents' small town and feeling like a total winner. It still makes me smile to see this pic, years later.
Here's the 'straight out of the camera' original:

All I did to add some realistic dimension in the form of a rubbed-edge border and make it pop on the page was drag and drop it onto one of my new "Summer Ease" worn photos templates. That added the border and also the color overlay that made it pop and the sunstrike at the top.
They add a realistic worn edge (either with a border or without) plus entirely optional photo effects in the form of a color overlay that makes your photo lighter and brighter plus some with optional "sun strike" effect. And they are as easy to use as dragging and dropping then clipping - if you can use a template of any kind you can use these.
(For non-PSD/TIFF users, they also come as layered pngs but without the effects, but still a set of great worn edges and borders)
They work with black and white pics too!
I was spending the day with relatives many years back and they asked where I would like to go for a drive. I picked the notoriously/gloriously tacky seaside town of Blackpool - because I had a black and white film in my camera and I thought it would be a fun place to take photos. It was :-)

Here's how it looks in one of the "Summer Ease" worn photo templates on a page - again, all I did was drag and drop and clip together.

Here's another colour example, this time of Daughter-Two exploring the grounds of a historic house:

And back at the beach:
