Hi there, Stefanie here with the new challenge for the month. You can find the winner for July, here.
A new month brings new discounted products and a new challenge;
We have three discounted products. (images are linked to store)
Challenge: 1. Use at least 1 (one) of the discounted items: Worn Page Framers, Worn Tops or Old Edges 2. Create a layout with Diagonal Draw, either a strong design from corner to opposite corner (top left to bottom right or vice versa) or clusters in two opposite corners. 3. You must use at least 75% products by Lynn Grieveson, templates count 15%.
For this challenge you have from today, the 1st of August until 31st of August midnight EDT to create a new layout, post it to Lynn Grieveson's gallery, at the Lilypad and to leave a comment on this thread with a link to your layout so that we can check it out, leave you some love and put you in the running to win a $10 voucher to Lynn Grieveson Design's store at The Lilypad.
Winner will be chosen by Lynn.

My layout uses Old Edges Page Borders, Crab Shack Kit, Worn Page Edges and Fasten It's.