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In search of Inspiration


First of all, apologies for a late post, but early in the morning it was sunny and beautiful, and we wanted to go and do things as a family, but then we remembered it was Saturday, and instead stayed at home and cut the hedge before the authorities fine us for the tall wide hedge that we managed to cultivate (over the allowed standard 2 and a half metres). Now that the job is out of the way and the rest of the family are sitting on a sofa exhausted, but fed and watered, watching their share of Olympic Games, I snuck out to see what inspiration I can get from our gallery. I have to confess I miss those times when I scrapped a page or two every day. I feel lucky if I do just the seven-eight pages to complete the challenges at the Lilypad per months now. So I dip into the gallery just to check on what the rest of the team has been up to. Now I share my findings with you.

I looked at the things my fellow mates from Lynn's CT have created this week.

I start with Anita and her Fresh summer inspiration page certain to send away all of your blues, and brighten up your day. She used Summer Snap by Lynn if you wanted to look it up at the Shop.

Danica's peaceful and oh so pretty in pink page about the majestic birds is using Marina Del Rey. I would so much like to sit by the edge of the water and wait till sunset. *sigh

The next bit of inspiration comes from Sondra, and aside from the nautical theme, do I love stripes or what? (as she is typing while sporting her stripy PJs)

Love that cute seagull too :) More of the water inspiration in the pages by Lizzie

Lizzie scrapped one with Summer snap and the other with Lynn's August mini kit. Another one scrapped with the latter is a photo of a beautiful couple by Karen B.

And since you already know I am impartial to the pages by Karen, I will show you the other ones that she created this week:

I especially love her perfect balance in the pages with white space. Something I feel I still have to muster. Two more pretty pages showing the artful use of this technique are two pages by Lorry:

More of the tranquil sea in Sandy's pages

And if it's fun factor you are after Sharon has it in buckets and that photo filter looks wonderful:

Jana NJ shows as always a particular talent in blending which gives a recognizable look to her pages, I can always spot them in the gallery.

Donna's traveling pages make me want to pack a bag and walk out that door:

Judy's pages as usual tell stories, this time of summer, childhood and undiluted fun.

And now for my favourites: this week I saved something special till the end:

Admire the creativity and sheer enthusiasm of Carol aka Iowan: looks like one busy summer

Diane touched me with her pure nostalgia for simpler times, when the kids were young and summer lasted forever.

And finally Stefanie's page brings us full circle to the first page by Anita with the same burst of colour, affection and positive energy! I wish all of you exactly that and creativity, and if you get stuck like me, and face creator's block, there is nothing wrong with sourcing your inspiration from your favourite scrappers like these. I leave you with Stefanie's page and see you September.

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