What's the point of scrapbooking? I was asked that recently at "Get it Scrapped", and I realised the answer was that it helps me put life into context - it stops the feeling that life is just rushing away from you. I can go back and relive all these moments, and The Daughters have a wonderful record of their childhood. For summer 2014 I created a template album that I used to scrap most of our photos:
It was the summer of the cicadas - one of those years when a huge brood hatch. Daughter-Two loved to wander down the street hunting for them, photograph them, and get them clinging on her hand:

Without her photobook, would she (or I) remember that so clearly?

"To the Point" is half price for Wednesday. Also new in store (and half price) are Kohi Kit and Worn Tops to Go:

But another point of scrapbooking is that it is creative and fun - and that's where the challenges at The Lilypad come in. I have a challenge every month, and you can find September's challenge here It involves using a weather-themed element, paper or title and to go along with that I have a little freebie you can add to your cart at The Lilypad:
~ Lynn