When Daughter-Two was a newborn we decided it was time to upgrade to one of those fancy "digital' cameras everyone was talking about. So we went along to a megastore and asked the scruffy but apparently knowledgeable youth that approached us about our options. We mentioned that we were also considered upgrading our old video camera. That was our big mistake (although listening to the spotty youth at all was the real mistake) because he said the obvious solution would be to buy a digital video camera with the ability to take still photos as well. Back then I was not into photography or scrapbooking, but still I was a little dubious. "But what would the quality be like?" I asked. "Fine" he said confidently. "Just as good as any digital camera". Yeah, right.

Unfortunately, in the chaos of a new baby combined with moving house when she was a couple of months old, we didn't download the pics from the camera for several months. You can imagine the curses that descended on the head of that youth when we did. Fast forward several years and I really wanted to scrap Daughter-Two's baby album. So I created a set of templates I call "Tiny Treasures" - because the photos might be tiny (and poor quality) but they are still treasures.

I've used them many times since:

For the last layout I used the "Read with Mother" kit and brushes also coming to the store at The Lilypad today:
But also new in store is something completely different that I love to use for scrapping BIG photos for our photobooks - using the photos taken with our wonderful 'many-megapixel' digital camera:
And, finally, layered templates for creating worn edged, shadowed page topping borders:
See them used here: