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Find Peace with a Variety of Styles

dvhoward (Diane)

Hello! This week-end Lynn has three GREAT kits on sale at The Lilypad; it is BYOC time again. Lynn's CT has created a wonderful assortment of pages from the Find Peace Elements, Find Peace Papers, and Find Peace Templates.

"Biltmore" by djp332 uses the papers and elements from Lynn. This layout has the feel of a lovely travel guide.

"Today was Perfect" is another page that takes us to far away places. Janedee used the papers, elements and a template from FIND PEACE.

In the layout "Peace" by wvsandy, we are taking a journey with the couple in the photo. Sandy used a wooden frame from a non-BYOC kit by Lynn and some stitching from another designer. The papers and elements are from FIND PEACE.

"Santa Barbara 2016" by katell uses Lynn's template and elements. The clean and simple design helps us to relax as though we are right there with the young lady.

"Find Peace" by Rosemarythyme takes us to a cool place. The layout features Lynn's template, elements and papers from FIND PEACE.

"05jul09" by zinzilah takes an artsy turn with Lynn's papers and elements.

Last, but not least, lorryfach's layout, "Be Happy" is the perfect way to finish up our look at SOME of the great layouts made with Lynn's three offerings this month.

If you click on each layout you will be taken to that page in Lynn's gallery at The Lilypad. In the gallery you will see even more beautiful pages. If you pick up Lynn's kits during the week-end you can save a minimum of 20%. won't want to miss adding these to your stash!

Happy Scrapping!!

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