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lynn grieveson
Sep 30, 20161 min read
Hold onto your hats - it's DSD Weekend!
Yes, it's Digital Scrapbooking Day tomorrow - and that means chats, fun, chances to win, BIG discounts AND the second part of the "Of...
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lynn grieveson
Jun 17, 20161 min read
Rip up the roses
I love it when I am able to identify the people in one of the many old photos that have been handed down to me from various parts of the...
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lynn grieveson
May 5, 20242 min read
More of This
I have lots of new designs in store for National Scrapbooking DAy, but first of all - if you want to receive updates in your inbox you...
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lynn grieveson
Jan 19, 20242 min read
The power of blending in
Want more like this? Subscribe to my newsletter to get regular (but not too many!) updates in your email inbox (plus two free kits when...
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lynn grieveson
May 5, 2024
More of This
I have lots of new designs in store for National Scrapbooking DAy, but first of all - if you want to receive updates in your inbox you...

lynn grieveson
Jan 19, 2024
The power of blending in
Want more like this? Subscribe to my newsletter to get regular (but not too many!) updates in your email inbox (plus two free kits when...

lynn grieveson
Dec 2, 2023
Pop it in your pockets
I love making photobooks of travel or event photos, and one of the most satisfying ways to do it is to make ‘messy pocket’ pages - pages...

lynn grieveson
Nov 3, 2023
Something happens when you create with photos
Sometimes when we take photos we try for the perfect ‘aesthetic image’, annoyed if a car drives by and ‘spoils’ it, or strangers are in...

lynn grieveson
Oct 7, 2023
The big sale weekend
This whole weekend we celebrate Digiscrapbooking Day. And, as is the tradition, I have a lot of new digital assets in store and all at at...

lynn grieveson
Sep 22, 2023
Digital or 'hydrid': mixing it up with mixed media
Notebook pages by AJM I play with ink and paint and gesso and other messy stuff in order to create the digital assets that appear in my...

lynn grieveson
Sep 1, 2023
What goes into a digital mixed media kit?
How do my digital mixed media collections come together? One of my Mother in Law's slides from her big trip to Europe My new “Natura”...

lynn grieveson
Aug 4, 2023
Vintage scrapbooking vibes
My favourite creations are a little bit arty, a little bit worn and vintage and a whole lot messy. Hmm .. sounds worryingly like a...

lynn grieveson
Jul 7, 2023
Summer scrapping your way
There’s nothing that says summer quite like blue. Blue skies, blue seas - plus a splash of sunny yellow or bold red. It was a colour...

lynn grieveson
May 20, 2023
Hear My Voice: Imagining
I just got back from a short (and exhausting!) trip which included a catch up with Daughter-Two. She has always been a lot of fun to have...
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